Friday, June 17, 2011

Beddazled Owl Fan

I love where I live because of the many food options I have within walking distance. There is the ACME grocery store nearby, where I can actually afford to buy basic grocery items, the Whole Foods on South Street where I can't afford to buy groceries ever, and the Italian Market where I can buy a bag of onions for one dollar.
But last week, I was introduced to the glorious Wing Phat Plaza on Washington Ave, which houses the Hung Vuong Supermarket, where I plan to buy all of my groceries from now on:

Aside from the amazing supermarket, the plaza has a small shop where customers can purchase various Chinese home products, such as incense and statues for their alters as well as assorted crap. While digging through the boxes of assorted crap, I found a small plastic toy fan that I purchased for a whopping two dollars. Using some RigidWrap plaster cloth, it eventually became this:

And then this:

The image in the center of the fan is from some decorative paper that I purchased at the same store, that is used to be burnt at alters (known as "joss paper"):

The fan is battery operated and fully functioning.  I'm going to rig it up in my car because I am the dumbass who bought a car without AC.

The end:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tattooed Anti-Christ Hanging Baby

One day, I came home to find a plastic baby on my bed. It was another dollar store gift from my housemate, Sally.

I gave her a little paint pen makeover as practice for a tattooed leg lamp that I am still in the process of finishing.  She's one of those dolls where the eyes close when you turn her upside down, just like Satan.



I never had much talent at drawing but, given the right materials, I can trash something in minutes:

The anti-christ baby now hangs in the middle of my bedroom (which may explain why I rarely entertain guests in my room).

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Foxy Motorcycle Boys (on Motorcycles)

For Easter 2011, I went to Canada to visit my cousins in the burbs of Toronto and I finally got to revisit my favorite Canadian thrift spot: the Value Village in Guelph.

This time, I found a cool illustrated children's book from either the 70's or 80's about motorcycle riding.  Back in Philly, on a sleepless night, I painted some wood board that I found in our house with spilled and scraped India Ink.  The foxy motorcycle boys eventually found their place among the ink (and glitter):

 Handsome men, showing off:

Check out that butt:

I enjoy glitter, foxy boys, and vehicles of various sorts, so this one was conceived quite naturally.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cassette Tape Christmas Cards Revisited

One of my good friends in California who received a Christmas cassette tape sent over a couple of pictures of his cassette card after seeing the blog! His had a baby boy on it because of his obsession with baby dolls.
It was definitely one of the cuter ones:

front - 

back -

Thanks, Hank Cockpit! You are the coolest, duhhh

Bedazzled Skeleton

Post-Halloween shopping at Walgreens or CVS is something I look forward to. While still in Boston, I bought two discounted plastic, dangly skeletons at the local Walgreens.  A nice boy worked there whom I only remember as Walgreens Will. He would later give me boxes to help me move.

My first winter in Philly was the coldest winter I have ever experienced in my life. Since we couldn't afford to turn the heat on, the hot glue gun was the only reliable source of warmth:

In silly poses:

There was also a plastic skeleton that danced to a Gloria Estefan song at that Walgreens but I didn't have the cash for one of them at the time. If you happen to have one of these, I will pay top dollar (cupcake) for it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mother Mary Night Light

My housemate Sally is as much a fan of dollar store trash as I am, so I was totally stoked when she came home one day with a plastic Mother Mary night light from a dollar store in North Philly. It gradually became this:
And now hangs in my bathroom:
In action:

(If you're religious and this offends you then that sucks, but I answer to a higher power: plastic googly eyes.)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cassette Tape Christmas Cards

When I first moved to Philly in November 2010, I was hopelessly unemployed for a long while. This left me lots of spare time to make some detailed Christmas/holiday cards. Unfortunately I didn't  take pictures of all of them before I mailed them throughout the U.S. but there was roughly 20 of them (some were cassette tapes, some were cassette tape boxes) and they looked something like this:
 And there were lots of them:

Not Fine Art


This is an internet home for pictures of stuff I've started to make since moving to Philadelphia.  Mostly weird lights, bedazzled crap, and tacky furniture. Why not.